Convocation of Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting Dec 2022

Associazione Sportiva Dilettantesca
Sede Sociale: Via Ruffini 2A – 00195 – ROMA
C.F. 96491470587

To the members of the Association
Subject: Convocation of Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

The members of the ASD “Centered Yoga Dona Holleman” are summoned to the assembly
ordinary on first call at the registered office, located in Via Ruffini 2A
– 00195 – ROME, on 02 December 2022 at 06:00 and in second
call on 03 December 2022 at 16:00 to examine
and discuss the following agenda:

A. Approval of the amendments to point 2.5 of the internal REGULATION
of the ASD as shown below:
Previous version:

2.5 In Centered Yoga Schools they can only be performed
yoga according to the Centered method and cannot be accommodated or
introduce different disciplines or other styles of yoga practices.
New version:

2.5 Other styles can also be practiced in Centered Yoga Schools
of yoga practices and sports disciplines.

B. Payment of the annual membership fee of shareholders teachers Centered Yoga.

C. Miscellaneous and possible.

The assembly will be validly constituted according to the statutory provisions.
Participation can also be done electronically.
Date, 11/16/2022

To partecipate here is the link: GO TO ZOOM

The official document can be downloaded at the following link:

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