Patrizia Gregori

The awareness I wish to talk about is not that of the “experts”, learnt at university, but rather that of those sensible people, living inside us without our knowledge. It is taught to us from the balanced behaviour of those appreciating its values. In the East, the wise man; in the West, the saint: they are the people whose conduct is inspired by the principles and values of tradition in religious matters. Handed down values such as justice, sincerity, discernment (that is, distinguishing good from bad). Solomon does not ask God for wealth, but the wisdom to exercise his behaviour as King. With wisdom he will then obtain his immense wealth. Good sense may also be highlighted by the philosophy of Socrates: maieutica, that is, self-education consisting of helping the l’interlocutor find within himself truth through means of dialogue. In any popular tradition too, the objective of education was to know good, a personal search to reach correct behaviour to live according to justice. In the Indian tradition, Awareness or Wisdom is represented by the third eye: the seeing eye. 

Positioned in the centre of the eyebrows, this eye is the place of concentration for meditation and correspond to the pineal gland or epiphysis. The epiphysis an endocrine gland in the brain of vertebrates, linked to the surrounding nervous parts by bundles. Its cells produce melatonin, which regulates the sleep-awake rhythm and poor functioning plays a part in drug or alcohol addiction. Epiphysis also produces the molecule DMT, a neuro-transmitter also called “the molecule of God“: it is said to have the function of linking body to spirit, and bridge the physical world with the spiritual one. 

Galeno is the first to describe it as pine-shaped and weighing half a gramme. In the foetus it is visible in the first week, which in the Tibetan tradition coincides with the migration of the soul into the body. We also rediscover it in the ancient Egyptian portraits of Rha or in the shape of a pine in spiritual works in Vatican or, again, in portraits of Buddha. One would ask why this is such important information: in this context, we are given a possible answer by an Indian tale we find in the book “Discover the Power Within You” by Eric Butterworth.

“Once men were

Gods, but they so abused their divinity that Brahma,
head of the Gods, decided to remove their Divine Power and
hide it where they would never find it.
So where to hide it became the great problem.

When the lesser Gods were summoned to evaluate

this problem, they said:

“Wes hall bury the divinity of man at the bottom
of the Earth”.

But Brahma said: “No, it is not enough, because man will dig and
find it”.

So the gods said: “Fine, then we shall plunge his
divinity in the deepest ocean”.

But Brahma still replied: “No,
because one day man will explore the depths of every ocean and
return it to the surface”.

So the minors concluded: “We don’t know where to hide it, because there seems to be no place on the earth or in the sea where man may not finally reach it”.

So Brahma said: “This is what we shall do with the divinity of man. We shall hide it deep within himself, because he will
never think of seeking it there”.

And since then, concludes the legend,
man has gone up and down the earth, climbing, diving,
exploring and digging, to seek something he actually had in himself all the time.”



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