PART ONE Sit in Padmasana or half Padmasana. Close the eyes and keep the head up, keeping the hands loosely on the knees with the
PART ONE Sit in Padmasana or half Padmasana. Close the eyes and keep the head up, keeping the hands loosely on the knees with the
The following essay is drawn from old pranayama classes that I held in Holland in the eighties Sedete in Padmasana o Siddhasana Abbassate la testa
The following essay is drawn from old pranayama classes that I held in Holland in the eighties Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana Bring the head
Dear Friends This letter is to communicate that I am retiring and will no longer teach yoga.I have spent 63 years of my life practicing and
Cari/e Amici ed Amiche,con questa lettera comunico il mio ritiro dalla vita lavorativa e dall’insegnamento dello yoga. Ho passato 63 anni della mia vita praticando
Si ricorda che le lezioni di approfondimento del sabato, tenute da Patrizia Gregori, non si svolgeranno in concomitanza dei weekend di teacher training. Ricordiamo che
Ai Soci dell’Associazione Oggetto: Convocazione Assemblea Ordinaria I soci dell’ASD “Centered Yoga Dona Holleman” sono convocati in assembleaordinaria in prima convocazione presso la sede sociale,
Cari amici e amiche del Centered Yoga Due anni fa il mondo ha subito un golpe globale da una manciata di miliardari. Poca gente si
Natha yoga has its roots in Advaita Vedanta. ‘A’ means ‘not’ and ‘dvaita’ means ‘two’. So Advaita means ‘not two’. This means that there is
This is going to be a series of articles that deal with the current world situation. My belief is that we are witnessing a ‘split’,